Page name: The girl [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-09-26 01:58:01
Last author: eyes of frost
Owner: eyes of frost
# of watchers: 5
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Under construction. Please do not fret...and please do not get mad. I am redoing this novel to...well. I am just redoing it. Get over it!

Lol. I will post it chapter by chapter when I change it. Loaded with school and not alot of free time. Sorry about that everyone! Talk be merry have fun!

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2004-11-27 [the 5th apocalyptic horseman]: thanks. well actually... right now im kinda stuck but i dont have tiome to write anyways. hey, i see the old one is back up...

2005-03-05 [eyes of frost]: Ok people Rachel has hit a


block. I need to go back and take away some of the girls powers and that. But I want to keep the story the same without changing it...ok chaning it a little maybe...but basically the same. i need some advice!!!!!!

2005-03-05 [the 5th apocalyptic horseman]: well... im there for help... whats the precise problem?

2005-03-06 [eyes of frost]: well i need to go and take out some things in the beginning. Like some of her powers and somehow manage to keep the story the same with little change as possible. I just dont know how to do that.

2005-03-07 [mywolfalways]: *chuckles* Pretty much: you don't. You have to sacrifice a little in every part of the story to get it just right. After you've done a few revisions, you'll come to understand this easier. The best thing to do is write out what you do want to keep. Then list all the things you want to take out. Figure out what these changes will effect later on. Then you have to decide what you really want to keep and what isn't as important.

2005-03-07 [eyes of frost]: Thanks chickky. It is much appriciated.(sp)

2005-03-31 [the 5th apocalyptic horseman]: *too lazy to continue her story or do anything*

2005-04-02 [eyes of frost]: Whats wrong Katraka?

2005-04-03 [the 5th apocalyptic horseman]: dunno. as i said. im lazy. perhaps i should go downstairs continue my story but... hell i dont feel like doing anything... but i will go now anyways.

2005-04-04 [eyes of frost]: Hehe. Then dont do anything. It is that simple. Just be unwilling to do anything and then sometime later it will get done. When you get sick of being lazy.

2005-04-06 [-Shadow-Nell-]: HI! Sorry it took me sooo long to comment. You have so much written down here! I've only just finished chapter four. Yikes! Don't know if I'll have time to read it all, but I'll try.

2005-04-06 [-Shadow-Nell-]: Alright, here it is. Your story is really cool and interesting so far. I wanna know what happens! There's a number of things that don't make sense to me, and a bunch of grammer things that could be fixed too. But that's fine, it's the way you work, and you seem to be doing very well with it. I tend to nit-pick my stories so they don't get very far without editing. My eye starts twitching if I find a misspelled word in my story, heck, I even go back and edit my comments! Yes, I'm that weird. But I'm getting off topic. What I really mean is that I think it's great so far, keep it up! If ever you need a nit-pick, send me a message.

2005-04-06 [-Shadow-Nell-]: Lianna is amazing.

2005-04-07 [eyes of frost]: Thank you.

2005-05-01 [the 5th apocalyptic horseman]: well... i agree. and good news: i started writing again. bad news: i only restarted a story i wrote 3.5 years ago, and its in german so most of you cant read it

2005-05-02 [eyes of frost]: Oh....ok. Well its good and well ok I guess. ;)

2005-05-11 [mywolfalways]: Go for it [the 5th apocalyptic horseman]!

2005-05-11 [mywolfalways]: [-Shadow-Nell-], I'm the same way about grammar and typos.

2005-05-11 [eyes of frost]: Yea...sorry about that. I know there is alot of it..

2005-06-09 [the 5th apocalyptic horseman]: oh well... perhaps ill translate it eventually but right now im just rpoud that i actually managed to write something in that awful language thats supposed to be the one i speak best...

2005-06-13 [Queen of Stars]: glad to see that all of you are enjoying the story so far, not that she's read me any of it lately. Guess that I'll just have to get of my lazy butt and read it for myself. Smile everyone, you're all good at what you do.

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